Garry Edward Morrill and Trade Markets Direct Limited contracts with its suppliers on its standard terms and conditions, except where different terms and conditions have been previously agreed with the Procurement at Cabinet Office
- contracts placed under pre-existing framework agreements, including frameworks set up by the Crown Commercial Service and other government organisations
- contracts with large-scale, complex requirements
The standard terms and conditions apply to all purchase orders unless alternative terms and conditions are specified.
Garry Edward Morrill and Trade Markets Direct Limited will agree and provide full Procurement transparency and details of all business and partners and business associates, for example its Singapore/Shanghai trading company on procurement and guarantee dispatch of products at Procurement at Cabinet Office. Who will provide details are with the Cabinet office team aim to ensure supply of products to the MOD, DHSC and NHS. As specified in the Procurement at Cabinet Office framework agreement and full technical specifications of these products awarded to this framework set out in the supply of listed UK Government approved products.
The specifications within this framework make reference to a number of standards and legislation must be complied with. Products must comply with the stated standards evidence of compliance to the standards must be available to the MOD, DHSC and NHS Supply Chain on request during the lifetime of this Agreement Garry Edward Morrill and Trade Markets Direct Limited, in the event that sufficient evidence is not supplied MOD, DHSC and NHS Supply Chain reserve the right to suspend product until such evidence is available.
This is a basic agreement with full transparency the commercial details of which can be agreed between Garry Edward Morrill and Trade Markets Direct Limited.
Trade markets Direct work on a very small % margin, securing vastly large numbers of products.
The government has set out the need for greater transparency across its operations to enable the public to hold public bodies and politicians to account. This includes commitments relating to public expenditure, intended to help achieve better value for money. Garry Edward Morrill and Trade Markets Direct Limited will work to those standards and transparency.
Please note buyer best to use WeChat and WhatsApp all products are being sourced on a target base range as due to market conditions the prices are liquid.Â
The most important thing is you the buyer are guaranteed by the bank to have shipments of products dispatched to UK or any other country around the world you choose. We deal directly with the buyer are guaranteed trading company in Singapore/Shanghai we are the appointed representative and European contact appoint as their procurement representative.
This is all B2B and all accountable, we only deal with appointed 3m manufacturing, trusted suppliers, trusted distribution routes and pharmaceutical suppliers.
Buyers funds deposited with the bank, so bank to bank with the Singapore/Shanghai trading company on procurement. To buy Supplies of all kinds of PPE personal protective equipment, Surgical face masks, TypeIIR, Gel sachet, Gel dispenser, Alcohol disinfection spray, chemical disinfectants, antiseptics, hygienic hand rub, Covid19 test kit, eye protection, glasses, gowns, protective suits, respirator masks, FFP2 and FFP3, Helmets, hoods and ventilators that can be scheduled to be picked up or delivered now and or they can put in orders for production.
Our medical masks and ventilators have all the certs need for international export and acceptable standards CE, FDA, ISO and ASTM testing with certificates of compliance, guaranteed to be acquired from state-controlled licence manufactures and licenced pharmaceutical companies within China or sourced around the world.
Trade Markets Direct work direct with a City of London based Wealth Management company who are the exclusive Wealth Manager for a European Bank.
The Bank works under the authorisation of the Anjouan Offshore Finance Authority and holds an International Banking License and a Brokering and Clearing House International License.
Trade markets Direct work directly with Singapore / Shanghai supply route and lock in the orders to the UK with guaranteed despatch and delivery.
National Departments we are working with on specified Procurement:
Procurement at Cabinet Office
(National Health Service)
(Ministry of Defence)
(Department of Health & Social Care)
Local Departments we are working with on specified Procurement and services:
(Brighton and Hove Council)
Adult Social care (Prevent Homelessness)
Adult Social care
ST Mungo’s
Helping the homeless